Hull & Structural Repairs

Hull Repairs

Hull DamageRepairs are carried out to original specifications with re-moulding work using the most up to date construction methods e.g. GRP foam core, Balsa core and carbon under vacuum bagging conditions.

Dinghy Repairs

Plastic boats are durable but they can split and crack. The company has the specialist hot weld equipment to carry out the repair of polyethylene materials as used in the RS Feva and Laser Pico dinghies.

A particular speciality is carbon repairs to dinghy masts, spinnaker poles and hulls. This has become more popular recently with the advent of carbon bowsprits on boats such as the J109s and SB3s.

Keel & Floor matrix repair

Repaired Floor MatrixAfter a keel grounding with rocks, for example, damage to a floor matrix may not be immediately visible but it is vital that inner frames are checked and repaired.

Keel fairing, the process of improving the accuracy of the shape of a keel to improve boat speed is also high on the jobs list.